Visit to Cardingmill Valley

On Monday 14th and Thursday 17th October, the Lower 4th travelled to Carding Mill Valley in Shropshire for their Geography fieldwork. In the morning, the students observed river processes at work and sketched the picturesque Lightspout Waterfall and the v-shaped valley and interlocking spurs in the river’s upper...

On Monday 14th and Thursday 17th October, the Lower 4th travelled to Carding Mill Valley in Shropshire for their Geography fieldwork. In the morning, the students observed river processes at work and sketched the picturesque Lightspout Waterfall and the v-shaped valley and interlocking spurs in the river’s upper course. In the afternoon, girls put on their wellies and stepped into the stream to collect data on the river’s width, depth, gradient and velocity, and also measured the size of the rocks within the channel. Despite the cold weather, it was a very rewarding, challenging and successful trip!

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Exploring Rhineland

On Thursday 4 July, 31 Lower Fourths from KEHS and eight Upper Middle pupils from KES set off from Birmingham airport to spend five days exploring the beautiful Rhineland area of Germany.

Holi 2024

On the 21st of June, the KES/KEHS Hindu forum organised and hosted a Holi event at Eastern Road.

KEHS celebrates ArtsFest Week

We recently held our annual ArtsFest week, where several departments hosted curriculum lessons or co-curricular activities to enable pupils to engage with the arts in a range of ways. 

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