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Unprecedented GCSE success for KEHS Upper Fifth

Pupils at King Edward VI High School for Girls (KEHS) continue to demonstrate exceptional academic performance, with remarkable GCSE results across a diverse, and broadening, range of subjects. 

Stellar KEHS A Level results reflect academic and co-curricular balance

Upper Sixth pupils at KEHS are celebrating a stellar set of A Level results with individual stories of academic and co-curricular success being prominent among...

Exploring Rhineland

On Thursday 4 July, 31 Lower Fourths from KEHS and eight Upper Middle pupils from KES set off from Birmingham airport to spend five days...

Holi 2024

On the 21st of June, the KES/KEHS Hindu forum organised and hosted a Holi event at Eastern Road....

KEHS celebrates ArtsFest Week

We recently held our annual ArtsFest week, where several departments hosted curriculum lessons or co-curricular activities to enable pupils to engage with the arts in...

Pupil elected as Youth Police and Crime Commissioner

We are very pleased to share that Upper Fifth pupil Srilakshmi has been elected as Youth Police and Crime Commissioner (YPCC) for Birmingham West....

Enterprise day

97 Year 9 students from across our Foundation Schools came together to take part in this years Enterprise Day....

KEMUN conference

Our KEMUN 2024 took place on 19th and 20th April. The two days comprised of an Opening Ceremony, the lobbying phase, the General Assembly and...

A-Level Geographers Explore Iceland

Over the Easter holidays the A Level Geography students visited Iceland for an unforgettable 5-day trip....

New Biodiversity Ambassadors announced

The position of Biodiversity Ambassador was created last year to promote, discuss and improve biodiversity on our school site....

Lower Sixth pupils publish new medical journal

Pupils get a fascinating insight into life in Hamburg

National Careers Week

During National Careers Week, we were thrilled to host talks and events aimed at inspiring our pupils to explore diverse career paths. Throughout the week,...

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