King Edward VI High School for Girls

Inspiring the joy of
learning and scholarship

Where girls thrive to the full in a collaborative environment

King Edward VI High School for Girls offers an unrivalled education to the brightest students in the West Midlands, irrespective of their social or economic background.

Our students learn to think critically, solve problems, and communicate effectively. They also develop the character qualities of integrity, compassion, and respect for others.

a picture of two students doing a science experiment
a close up of two students woirking in class

Shaping tomorrow's leaders

Quick guide

Stay connected to the vibrant life of King Edward VI High School for Girls

a picture of two students picking books of the shelves
Thrive in a stimulating academic environment at King Edward VI High School for Girls
a KEHS student resding her notes and smiling
Join a school that is passionate about education and making a positive impact. Explore the opportunities that await you at King Edward VI High School for Girls
a picture of students in the dinner hall eating their food

Latest News

Mya and Eman attend Young Women Into Leadership summit

Lulu wins BBC Young Writers’ Award

We are delighted to announce that Upper Sixth pupil Lulu has won this year’s BBC Young Writers’ Award with Cambridge University, having been praised by...

Visit from Yale’s Director of Admissions

On Friday 27 September, we were delighted to welcome Keith Light, Yale's Director of International Admissions to the Ruddock Performing Arts Centre....

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Sixth Form Open Evening

Join us for our upcoming Sixth Form Open Evening on Tuesday 3 December 2024 from 5.30pm.