
a picture of a teacher in their science lab

Our purpose is to excite students about their future aspirations, to inform them of the range of opportunities available, and to provide the means to explore them.

We also aim to help students be aware of the opportunities afforded by digital technology and AI in a changing career landscape, and the opportunities and different ways of working generated by a post-pandemic world.

Our Careers Department is here to equip them with the skills necessary to explore, plan, and begin their career journeys. It is expected that students will grow in confidence, exploring a range of careers and making choices as they progress through the school. We aim to support them in becoming proactive, reflective, and resilient as they strive to find their career path.



The Careers Room offers a well-resourced space for students to research ideas for their futures and discuss them in 1:1 meetings. All students, from any year group, are welcome to book appointments with Mrs Quigley during available recess and lunchtimes. Older students are also able to book appointments during their study periods. We offer a varied programme of careers talks, higher education sessions, and careers events throughout the year. Students are also supported in finding valuable work placements, which are often their first experience of the working world.

Find out about the main activities relating to Careers Education, Information, Advice, and Guidance (CEIAG) at KEHS, which take place in each year group:

Lower School

From Year 7 – 9 all students will have timetabled lessons dedicated to careers education as part of the PSHE curriculum:

Students will focus on self-reflection and be introduced to careers exploration.

Students will be introduced to a range of career options and the different resources available for personal research, as well as reflecting on career values.

Students will focus on self-reflection and how to make decisions, with particular focus on GCSE options. Students are also able to undertake self-assessment exercises and investigate what different careers involve.

In addition to lessons, Head of Careers will support parents/carers at the following events: 

  • Options evening – how GCSE options links to future study and careers paths
  • Parents’ evening – be on hand to speak with students and parents/carers about GCSE options on an individual basis

Upper School

Students have lessons dedicated to Careers Education as part of the PSHE curriculum. These sessions allow further consideration of how to make decisions, skills and employability, and how to use labour market information in order to consider skills, salary expectations, and the working conditions of various roles. 

Students also produce a draft CV, which will be developed in Year 11 in readiness for work experience. 

All students will use an online careers profiling programme, which analyses the results from an interest-based questionnaire and produces an individual profile. Students receive results with information on top-matching career areas and guidance for future study and research, alongside supporting materials. Students are encouraged to reflect upon this report and to discuss it with parents/carers. This report can also form the basis for discussions with the Head of Careers at the start of Year 11.

Each student is able to meet with the Head of Careers for a 1:1 interview. This 1:1 includes discussion on A Level choices, post 18 options, career aspirations, and ideas for work experience placements.

Students attend a carousel of timetabled career talks, giving them the opportunity to engage with different professionals over the course of the programme. 

All students are expected to undertake a work experience placement during a dedicated week after GCSE examinations. Students receive guidance and support from the Careers Department in securing placements and take part in a feedback breakfast during the last week of term, where they share their experiences with their peers and tutors. The School’s Work Experience Policy can be viewed here.

In addition to lessons, Head of Careers will support parents/carers at the following events: 

  • Parents’ evening – be available to speak to students and parents/carers about A Level options and work experience on an individual basis 
  • Sixth Form open evening – be able to speak to both current and prospective students regarding careers provision and A Level options

The annual University Information Evening is an opportunity for students and their parents/carers to hear presentations from visiting speakers who will share information about the admissions process for top universities, and to learn more about specific programmes of study.

Students are also encouraged to undertake additional work experience placements during school breaks, which is supported by the Careers Department and references are provided.

The Head of Careers also supports the Director of Sixth Form with sessions on communication skills and how to research post A Level options. They will also be available to speak to students and parents/careers on Parents’ Evening.  Students also have the opportunity to take part in 1:1 interview practice.

Individual guidance is given to Year 13 students on completing personal statements for UCAS – this is led by the Director of Sixth Form and supported by the Careers Department.

Mock interviews are given on request for Upper Sixth students applying to university or school leaver programmes. Students may request appointments with the Head of Careers to discuss general interview techniques and CV writing. They will also be available to speak to students and parents/careers on Parents’ Evening.  

Support is given on A Level results day around the Clearing/Adjustment process, university places, and all aspects relating to applications.

There is a programme of regular lunchtime careers talks and workshops, which are open to all students. These sessions range from speakers from a variety of professions/areas of study to more practical sessions including CV writing, gap year volunteering, and information about student finance. Find out more about our visiting speaker programme

The biennial Careers Fair is an event which offers students insight and advice into a wide range of career paths and professions. This is also an opportunity to learn about competitive apprenticeship and school leaver programmes (e.g. PwC). 

Students are also invited to attend the annual University Fair hosted by King Edward’s School (KES), and the biennial Study Abroad event hosted by KES/KEHS. Aimed at the Sixth Form in particular, a series of Networking Events held jointly with KES are an opportunity for students to hear from professionals in specific industry areas, to learn from their career journeys, and to seek advice and informally network. 

Students are regularly asked to give their input, which feeds into planning for future careers events and year group specific talks. We welcome input from parents and encourage discussion around future planning at home.

Provider Access Statement

KEHS are enthusiastic about welcoming providers into school to talk with pupils of all ages about the opportunities and pathways available to them. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997. 
Pupils in all years are entitled to find out about apprenticeships, technical qualifications and to hear from a range of local providers about their opportunities, pathways and application processes. School provides a number of careers events throughout the year which providers can get involved with including assemblies, careers talks and speed networking events. Paper copies and prospectuses can also be displayed in the Careers Room and Library. 
A provider wishing to request access should contact Rebecca Cuthbert, Head of Careers via

For future information about the KEHS careers programme, please contact:

Mrs Cuthbert,

Head of Careers

0121 472 1834 (ext. 2017)

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Visiting speakers

University Destinations

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