One of the key aims of King Edward VI High School for Girls is to provide a rich, diverse and exciting educational experience accessible to able pupils regardless of their background.
Our entrance examination is written to find potential, to reflect and build upon applicants’ primary school education but also provide opportunity to develop and challenge their knowledge and skills.
As the entrance examinations are written and marked in-house by our own expert teaching staff, we are able to fully assess applicants’ performance based upon not only their final answers, but the processes used to reach those answers.
Although the entrance exam plays a vital role in the selection process, other factors such as the school reference and information provided in the application, are taken into consideration when making the offer of a place so that the girls who attend the school will be able to make the most of the educational experience on offer to them.
Please note we do not use negative marking or multiple choice in our entrance examinations.
Preparing for the exam
The entrance examination consists of one English paper and one Mathematics paper.
The English paper is designed to test reading and writing skills and to explore a candidate’s potential. In the past, poems, pictures and passages of prose have appeared on the papers. Tasks have included comprehension questions, creative writing and an opportunity to respond personally to stimulus material.
The Mathematics paper consists of a series of questions of varying lengths, designed to test the candidate’s ability to use and apply the straightforward processes of arithmetic. No calculators of any kind are allowed. Formal knowledge of algebra and geometry is not required. Some questions are deliberately designed to test responses to a simple but unfamiliar mathematical idea for which no previous knowledge is required.
It is important that candidates show their working out clearly; they should not assume that it is only the answer which is of interest to the examiner.
Sample material to support preparation for the 11+ entrance exam can be downloaded below:
Exam day
Throughout the day, girls are supervised by staff and Year 10 students. We try to ensure they enjoy the day, even though they are bound to be a little nervous.
The day begins at 9.30am, when the girls are greeted by our students before the first exam. After the first paper, girls have lunch and watch a series of films produced by our pupils before their final paper, finishing around 2.30pm.

Following the exam
A number of interviews are conducted with candidates including those for Assisted Places and Scholarships. If your daughter is not called for an interview, it does not necessarily mean she is not being considered for a place.
Results are sent by Royal Mail in early December following the exam.