At KEHS, we believe co-curricular activities are vital in developing rounded, balanced students who enrich the life of the school as well as fulfilling their academic potential.
Our thriving co-curricular programme featuring more than 70 clubs and societies offers myriad opportunities for girls, from photography, Ultimate Frisbee, yoga and martial arts to astronomy, philosophy, gardening and creative writing.
Numerous speakers, theatre groups, writers, artists, musicians and other guests visit us each year, inspiring students and broadening their experience. We also run a range of annual enrichment weeks including Political Awareness Week, Sustainability Week, ArtsFest and Culture Week, and school trips, residentials, outdoor pursuits and The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award take place throughout the year. There truly is something for everyone!
Our students have a great deal of agency – many of them set up and run societies and clubs in conjunction with staff, fired by local and global issues, sharing their interests, developing their leadership skills and becoming role models within the school community.
Taking part in these activities helps girls build a wide range of friendships across year groups, boosting their confidence and social skills. A growing body of research also shows the benefits of co-curricular experiences in developing teamwork, time management and resilience, and providing crucial relief from the pressures of the modern world.
“A visitor remarked, ‘this is one of the few schools where enrichment is genuinely as important as the academic’. In fact they feed on each other and the energy generated by both creates a powerful, tangible warmth.”
The Good Schools Guide

“The academic and co-curricular activities really give us a balanced experience. From sports, music, drama, events like culture week and karaoke dance competition, no two days at KEHS are ever the same. The dilemma of choosing from all the opportunities offered is the highlight of every term.”
Co-curricular activities
There are always new exciting activities on offer to most year groups including British Sign Language, Music Appreciation and the Theory of Everything Club! The latest co-curricular timetable can be downloaded below.