For the past few weeks, Upper Sixth A Level Religious Studies students have been treated to a series of lectures focusing on the importance of religious and ethical language. These have been led by Dr Ben Kotzee and Dr Iain Law from the University of Birmingham, including discussions on whether religious and ethical statements refer to facts or are products of the way in which humans construct and understand reality. In particular, the theory of Wittgenstein was analysed. There was also a discussion focusing on Ayer’s Emotivist theory, which claims that morality is an expression of our emotions. Students also reflected on normative theories of ethics and the ideas of logical positivists. The talks were stimulating and invaluable for students preparing for their examinations. The Religious Studies department would like to thank both Dr Kotzee and Dr Law for giving up their time to come and speak to the students.
Lulu wins BBC Young Writers’ Award
We are delighted to announce that Upper Sixth pupil Lulu has won this year’s BBC Young Writers’ Award with Cambridge University, having been praised by