On Tuesday 19th June, the Lower Fourth enjoyed a trip to the Corinium Museum in Cirencester and Chedworth Roman Villa. Corinium was an important town in Roman times and houses excellent collections of artefacts about daily life, occupations, religion and the Roman army, to name but a few. The girls found information on these topics by looking at the original sources and also had time to sit in the Roman garden, admire the wonderful mosaics and explore other galleries (Anglo-Saxon, Mediaeval and Civil War). At Chedworth Roman Villa the girls took part in Living History workshops, in which they experienced life as slaves making Roman medicine bags. They also investigated the extensive site, gathering information on how the villa developed over time and researching a project which they are now completing at school.

King Edward VI High School for Girls in national top 30 for sport
King Edward VI High School for Girls has been ranked in the top 30 schools for sport in England for the first time.