On Wednesday 10th October, A level Religious Studies students had the opportunity to attend a lunch time talk given by Professor Nagasawa from the University of Birmingham on the logic of the Ontological argument which is a topic that students are currently studying as a part of their A level syllabus. The session enabled pupils to gain a more nuanced appreciation of the theory as well as extending their understanding of the topic. It was an incredibly informative session where the pupils had the opportunity to ask questions and gain clarification of quite a complex argument. We would like to thank Professor Nagasawa for giving up his time so generously in order to benefit our A level Religious Studies students.

Year 12 ‘Futures’ Event
On Wednesday, KES and KEHS students crisscrossed the KEHS site to attend a variety of university taster talks. The sessions helped the students to think about possible future subject, course, and university choices.