On Sunday 15th November six Sixth Formers took part in the first virtual Debating Competition this year, using Zoom software to compete against 45 other teams over four rounds. Shivanii and Ami began by arguing against the motion, ‘This house would charge patients a fee for NHS treatments resulting from lifestyle choices’. Hannah and Khadeeja argued for the idea of blind voting in elections. Erin and Ria were asked to imagine they were the captain of a spaceship, who had just been told there was an enemy spy on their ship, but hadn’t been told the spy’s identity. Shivanii and Ami gained first place in their final debate, speaking for the motion, ‘The gig economy does more harm than good’. All but one of the girls had never debated competitively before, so very well done to all six debaters!
Unprecedented GCSE success for KEHS Upper Fifth
Pupils at King Edward VI High School for Girls (KEHS) continue to demonstrate exceptional academic performance, with remarkable GCSE results across a diverse, and broadening, range of subjects.