2022-2023 KEHS Poet Laureate announced

2022-2023 KEHS Poet Laureate announced
We are delighted to share that Upper Fifth pupil Neave has been announced as the KEHS Poet Laureate for 2022-2023.

We are delighted to share that Upper Fifth pupil Neave has been announced as the KEHS Poet Laureate for 2022-2023. The theme of this year’s competition was ‘Power’ and there was an extremely strong field of entry.

The Great Burden

If I could crack through the border of Time,

shattering the longest survivor until

it, itself, could not survive

What would remain of the world?

Could you even call it a world?

The fragmented fractions of humankind

piercing the skin on my feet, as I attempt

to navigate my way through the wreckage.

What would I find?

A lark, contending for its life in a jail meant to end it,

or a buttercup with its petals picked and scattered?


These small sufferings are disregarded in the amalgamation of all struggles.

At the conclusion of Time, I will see a liberated lark

laughing from the memory time gifted it

and a thriving buttercup, lonesome but alive.

Because time is Power Full.

Humans may be the undoing to time’s tragic tale

but its Power is its ultimate demise.

The Power to conceal it’s corruptions

and sell its crimes to its foolish prisoners

The Power to dominate immeasurable populations

without them becoming conscious of it

The Power to take and give

a life.

Of course, I will never be able to crack through the border of Time.

All I can do is remain powerless

and pursue my life absent of this Great Burden.


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