Talented dancer Aishani recently entered the BBC Young Dancer 2019 competition, making it to the final round of the South Asian category. Aishani competed in four competitive rounds, showcasing her ability in the popular classical Indian dance style, Bharatanatyam. She performed in the final round alongside just four other chosen competitors in front of an expert professional panel. In order to enter, Aishani submitted a video of two solo dances, and was selected as one of 20 long-listed finalists in her category. She then went on to be shortlisted and earned a place in her category final. Aishani has been dancing since the age of four and participated in the BBC Young Dancer contest as the first and only dancer trained in both Bharatnatyam and contemporary styles at The Centre for Advanced Dance Training.

Year 12 ‘Futures’ Event
On Wednesday, KES and KEHS students crisscrossed the KEHS site to attend a variety of university taster talks. The sessions helped the students to think about possible future subject, course, and university choices.