On Wednesday 21st November, three Lower Sixth girls and one Upper Sixth girl took part in the Senior Mathematics Team Challenge. They competed against 13 other schools from across the West Midlands and had to complete three rounds. In the first round they had to work as a team to answer ten questions in 40 minutes. This was followed by a cross number where the girls had to work out who had the matching clues, and which order they needed to be in. The final round was a set of four relays, where speed and accuracy were very important as the answer to question one was needed for question two, and so on, therefore, bonus marks were available for speed. Jessica, Lauren, Naomi and Tabassum did very well, finishing in 2nd place overall. Well done girls
Unprecedented GCSE success for KEHS Upper Fifth
Pupils at King Edward VI High School for Girls (KEHS) continue to demonstrate exceptional academic performance, with remarkable GCSE results across a diverse, and broadening, range of subjects.