Student Savvy

This week, the Upper Sixth were visited by Student Savvy, an organisation set up to inform and prepare school leavers for the next step in life, and that dreaded time when they must do their own laundry. The students drew up budget sheets for themselves, and many were shocked by the weekly cost of everyday items...

This week, the Upper Sixth were visited by Student Savvy, an organisation set up to inform and prepare school leavers for the next step in life, and that dreaded time when they must do their own laundry. The students drew up budget sheets for themselves, and many were shocked by the weekly cost of everyday items that are taken for granted when living with their parents. The workshop was called “Get Clued Up!” and, as well as sound financial advice, students benefited from a range of tips and pointers for surviving university life, from renting a house, to what to pack for that first week away when they fly the nest in 12 months’ time.

It was a very enjoyable, informative and vital session and for some, a stark reality check – welcome to adulthood!

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