On Monday 9th September, the Upper Fifth attended their first careers talks of the Autumn term. Each girl chose to listen to one of three visiting speakers. Dan Hackett, from the Army Careers Centre Birmingham, provided students with information about joining the Armed Forces as an officer. Pav Shergill, Director of Monsoon Venue Group, spoke about her career in marketing and events management, and gave good advice to students thinking about starting their own businesses. Dr Robert Brownlow, a scientific Government Advisor, gave a real insight into the world of forensic science. It was great to hear about possible routes into the field and the advice to be open to opportunities, as well as hearing about a couple of real life crime scenes! We are grateful to all speakers for giving up their time to contribute to our careers programme. These talks are a great opportunity for the Upper Fifth to explore different careers.
Mya and Eman attend Young Women Into Leadership summit
Over the summer holidays, we had the privilege of attending the Young Women into Leadership (YouWIL) summit from 22 to 29 July. Hosted via Microsoft