In the Summer Term, girls in the Upper Fourth had the opportunity undertake a film making project as a part of their enrichment programme. They were able to draft a story-board, write a script, create a film template and a shot list, before guest professional film makers aided them in the filming and editing process. With films entitled “Clumsy Girl”, “After the Money”, “Imagine” and “L’Argent Mort”, the girls were able to explore different genres, such as film noir. The project enabled them to experience the ways in which having to film things twice or more, a noisy set and changeable nature of a script can all make film making much harder than they initially thought! Teamwork and communication were essential to the success of these projects, and the girls enjoyed having the chance to work with different people to explore their creativity. As a result of her hard work and creativity as a director and actress in this project, the Nigel Freeman-Powell Award was also presented to Danielle during our assembly! Congratulations to all the girls for their hard work! All four films can be viewed here.

Year 12 ‘Futures’ Event
On Wednesday, KES and KEHS students crisscrossed the KEHS site to attend a variety of university taster talks. The sessions helped the students to think about possible future subject, course, and university choices.