On Friday 12th October, all of our Thirds attended the annual Foundation Service, held to welcome new Year 7s joining the Foundation of Schools of King Edward VI. The nine schools of the Foundation were represented at the service, and despite the torrential rain the Thirds made the trip across to the awe-inspiring Great Hall at the University of Birmingham. It was a truly special occasion, with Mr Phillips from King Edward’s School speaking about the history of our existence right from our beginnings as the Guild of the Holy Cross and then spanning through the centuries up to the present day where the schools educate over 9,000 children in Birmingham at any one point. Each Year 7 was giv-en a special badge to recognise the year in which they joined the Foundation. The Thirds found the experience gave them an opportunity to reflect on the importance of harnessing the excellent education the Foundation schools offer, as well as a chance to share time with their brother and sister schools.

Year 12 ‘Futures’ Event
On Wednesday, KES and KEHS students crisscrossed the KEHS site to attend a variety of university taster talks. The sessions helped the students to think about possible future subject, course, and university choices.