Important IT information

There will be a brief period where school staff and students will not be able to send or receive emails from 18:00 on Wednesday 19 October through to Monday 31 October.

As part of the school’s IT Strategy and to ensure our systems are compatible with other schools in the Foundation, the school is moving from Google to Microsoft. This transfer of systems necessitates a brief period during which school email addresses will not be operational. Please read the information below carefully so you are aware how contact with school can be made during this period.

School staff and students will not be able to send or receive emails from 18:00 on Wednesday 19 October through to Monday 31 October. However, students will have access to Google Classroom and Google Drive from 00:01 Wednesday 26 October . During this period, any emails sent to existing email addresses will be forwarded to the new Microsoft addresses; you may receive either an out of office reply or a return to sender error message. Therefore, if you need to contact school during this period please telephone 0121 472 1834 and leave a voicemail message; the voicemail box will be checked frequently during weekdays.

Following the migration period above, students and staff will be issued with new email addresses. Any emails sent to the old address will be forwarded to the new address. Students will be issued with instructions for the new system on Monday 31 October, a copy of the email sent to students is attached. Please note that any files students have in Google Drive will be moved over to Microsoft OneDrive. In addition, students will continue to have access to Google Drive and Google Classroom for the remainder of this academic year.

Thank you for your understanding during this rather complex migration period.

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