On Saturday 18th November, following their success in the qualifying round in November, Samantha, Namrata, Jamima and Rachel returned to the University of Birmingham to participate in the Royal Society of Chemistry Top of The Bench West Midlands Regional Final. They completed a written quiz, followed by a practical task in the new Collaborative Teaching Laboratory on campus, before listening to an engaging lecture by Dr Lizzie Driscoll on the topical issue of energy and research into battery storage systems. Although the girls were not selected to represent the region in the UK final, they did extremely well and scored 80/90 across all assessed tasks. The girls had an enjoyable day and showcased their strong academic ability, teamwork and enthusiasm for chemistry.

King Edward VI High School for Girls in national top 30 for sport
King Edward VI High School for Girls has been ranked in the top 30 schools for sport in England for the first time.