On Saturday 9th March, Birmingham and Midlands Classical Association held a conference attended by our Sixth Form Latin students. They first read a challenging Latin text by Suetonius about the many wives and murderous acts of the Emperor Nero, followed by a section of Virgil’s Georgics about bees as an allegory for society. The students then had a choice between an Ancient History lecture on ruling roman Britain, or an exploration of the context of the Aeneid, Book 11. Finally, links were drawn between Cicero’s scandalous and insulting invective against Mark Anthony in the Philippics, and the dangerous ‘ad hominem’ verbal attacks increasingly present in modern day politics.
Unprecedented GCSE success for KEHS Upper Fifth
Pupils at King Edward VI High School for Girls (KEHS) continue to demonstrate exceptional academic performance, with remarkable GCSE results across a diverse, and broadening, range of subjects.