On Thursday 22nd November, Nikita and Tvisha in the Lower Sixth took part in the Schools’ Mace Debating competition, which was organised by the English-Speaking Union. The girls went head to head with King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Boys, arguing against the motion ‘This house would ban the sale and consumption of meat’. They prepared carefully, gathering biological facts on the nutrients from meat which the human body requires, considering the cultural and religious role of meat at Christmas and Eid, and defending our freedom to choose with reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Although unsuccessful this time, the judge praised the team’s performance, and gave some useful critiques for future debates. Well done to both girls.
Unprecedented GCSE success for KEHS Upper Fifth
Pupils at King Edward VI High School for Girls (KEHS) continue to demonstrate exceptional academic performance, with remarkable GCSE results across a diverse, and broadening, range of subjects.