During the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent national lockdown, Jaya has been volunteering at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire, acting as part of the Workforce and Redeployment Team. She has been involved in the recruitment of doctors, nurses, Allied Health Professionals (AHP’s) and Healthcare Assistants (HCA’s). Jaya has also had the opportunity to talk to medical students, as well as final year medical students who are starting work five months earlier than expected. Jaya told us, ‘Whilst I have been here, BBC Panorama came in to film ‘On the NHS Frontline’. The programme follows staff, in their responses to the pandemic. The unity and togetherness of the staff here at UHCW is one of the contributing factors to the relative success of their fight against COVID-19, and it is certainly true that everyone here is helping each other get through what is, and will be, a tough time. Despite playing only a small role in the response to the pandemic, I feel very proud and privileged to be a part of what is a truly remarkable hospital.”

Year 12 ‘Futures’ Event
On Wednesday, KES and KEHS students crisscrossed the KEHS site to attend a variety of university taster talks. The sessions helped the students to think about possible future subject, course, and university choices.