As part of the school’s drive to support the wellbeing of students and promote positive mental health, the Lower Fourth took part in our Mindfulness day on Monday 20th May. This was led by Mrs Waites, Ms Proops, Mrs Sangha and the PE Department. Our students were off timetable for the day and participated in activities designed to help them relax and re-focus their minds. The day began with a fabulous breakfast of pastries, fruit, orange juice and cakes and the students learnt how to eat “mindfully”. There were also opportunities to take part in meditation and a technical detox, Tibetan Five Rites, mindful walks, jigsaws, Hamma beads and craft, colouring, swimming and cycling as well as sessions on gratitude. In all the sessions, the students were encouraged to be aware of each other and their surroundings and to focus on the positive aspects of their life and their environment. Everyone enjoyed the day with many reporting that they had rediscovered old hobbies or found new ways to relax. They enjoyed being away from their phones and spending quality time with their friends, enjoying a picnic on the field and relaxing at lunchtime. It was a wonderful way to encourage everyone to relax and appreciate the world around them.
KEHS named among UK’s Top 20 Girls’ Cricket Schools for 2025
We are delighted to announce that King Edward VI High School for Girls (KEHS) has been named one of the UK’s Top 20 all-girls schools