On Wednesday 20th November, Cathy, Chloe and Charlotte took part in the English-Speaking Union’s School Mace, the oldest and largest debating competition in the country for English schools. The team from KES, argued for the motion, ‘This house would abolish trial by jury’, while the KEHS team was in opposition. Cathy argued with confidence that unlike juries, judges are not an accurate representation of the British people; over 70% of judges are male, with ethnic minorities under-represented. Chloe emphasised the importance of democracy in British courts, and described the lawlessness that could result from the abolition of juries. Charlotte responded to comments made by the audience, praising the thorough training jurors receive and the people’s commitment to justice. The judges commended the team’s self-belief, responses to challenges and persuasive points, awarding them a place in the second round. Well done to all three girls.

King Edward VI High School for Girls in national top 30 for sport
King Edward VI High School for Girls has been ranked in the top 30 schools for sport in England for the first time.