Biomedical Science Talk

n Thursday 20th September, Dr Linda Lefièvre came to speak to students about studying Biomedical Science. Dr Lefièvre is Senior Lecturer, Admissions Tutor and Welfare Tutor for Biomedical Science at the University of Birmingham.

On Thursday 20th September, Dr Linda Lefièvre came to speak to students about studying Biomedical Science. Dr Lefièvre is Senior Lecturer, Admissions Tutor and Welfare Tutor for Biomedical Science at the University of Birmingham.

Dr Lefièvre began by talking about the focus of the course, which is very much a science degree programme and about studying how the human body functions in health and disease. Unlike other Biomedical Science courses at Birmingham, the degree is taught within the Medical School and, being an international centre for Biomedical Research, students are involved in high profile research with all third year students offered places for their research projects. She went to on explain the modular course structure, which is systems-based. Being based within the Medical School offers a ‘bench to bedside’ approach where the focus integrates fundamental science with clinical practice.

Dr Lefièvre also spoke about the entry requirements and details of the course at Birmingham and the unconditional offer scheme at Birmingham for those predicted AAA. Accredited by the Royal Society of Biology, this course is a real alternative to medicine, but also an ideal fifth UCAS choice for those applying to medical school. Further advice is available from the Admissions team at Birmingham.

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