Our Sixth Form charity week took place just before we broke up for half term, and included events organised by the Lower Sixth to raise money for our chosen charity, the Coalition for Rainforest Nations. On Tuesday, we had the Teachers versus Students quiz, hosted by our Quiz Master Hanna, with rounds to test trivia, logic and culture. The teachers won for the first time in four years, thanks to the superfast reaction time of Miss Platt! Following this, the students seized back the initiative by defeating the teachers in a cutthroat game of bench ball, organised by Alexandra. Finally, Thursday was filled with sweet treats from our cake sale of homemade delicacies made by the Sixth Form. Overall, the week was a fantastic success, raising £350 to help protect the environment, a cause that our student body is passionate about; we are all actively working towards improving the environment. We would like to say thank you to everyone who helped to make our charity week so successful.

King Edward VI High School for Girls in national top 30 for sport
King Edward VI High School for Girls has been ranked in the top 30 schools for sport in England for the first time.